Invocation - They are the shadows over Innsmouth
In February 1992 in Athens, a band named Behemoth was formed and they released a promo with two songs. After that the group decided to change their name to... Invocation. Invocation is a group that plays really good black metal. With their song on the 7" split with Medieval Demon (cover in the left) they perform a great black metal song with all ingredients you can ask for. This song is also included on their cassette ep "Ars Moriendi" which has the same style of technical black metal as the split. They have also released a promo 1996 which was really good.
I heard that they were discussing a record deal with some companies but I donīt know how it will turn out. Itīs just to cross your fingers and wish that next time when you go to the local record store there will be a Invocation at the new releases section.