Agatus - They returned with flying horses.
Agatus is in my opinion THE ultimate black metal band. These Hellenes live in Australia but you can hear on their sound that this is Hellenic black metal. This band has existed for a long time and in 1993 they recorded their demo "A Night of the Dark Ages". In 1994 the CD "Dawn of Martyrdom" was recorded in Storm Studio with M.W Daoloth as producer. The only problem was that is was hard to find a label who could release it. And this is strange because "Dawn..." is so fucking good oldschool black metal.
Finally Hypervorea recs released the CD but at the same time No Coulor recs bootlegged it so... many thought that the No Colour CD was official and bought it. A pitty for Agatus and Hypervorea who lost some money because of this. Anyway "Dawn of Martyrdom" is a must in every greek metalheadīs CD collection.